Ask The Expert: Sore Nipples While Nursing


Every member of our Customer Service team is a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) or an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), so when you have a problem, they are well-equipped to solve it.

And because sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know, we’d like to share their answers to frequently asked questions to keep you informed.

We are breaking down the questions by subject. Today we are talking about how you deal with sore nipples- ouch! (It gets better!)

Meet Kristi Dodson. International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and on our amazing customer service team. (Seriously, if you ever need help, Kristi is just an email away).

Q: What can I do when I have sore nipples but still want to breastfeed the first few weeks after baby is born? 


The best thing to do is get professional help from a local lactation consultant, who can evaluate you and your baby to see what’s happening.

An IBCLC can help with positioning and guidance to get a better latch, which should prevent this from happening in the future. You can also take a break from breastfeeding and pump for a few days to give your body a chance to heal. Then once you feel healed, use the IBCLC’s tips to get that good latch and teach your little one how to properly nurse. 

Pro tip: If you take a break and opt to pump in order to heal, it’s best to use paced bottle feeding and the slowest-flow nipple that your baby will tolerate to ensure a smooth transition when you return to breastfeeding.

Joanna Wolff

Joanna Wolff is a creative consultant who loves weaving together a brand's story. When she's not working she enjoys spending time with her son and husband, traveling, squeezing in yoga where she can, and using any excuse to be by the ocean. She also prides herself on finding the perfect gift for kids' birthdays.