I’m Also a Mother

We created The Pump by Babyation so you can finally pump on YOUR terms. And one of the most rewarding aspects of building this company has been the interaction we’ve had with moms across the globe. We’ve seen firsthand just how many different roles women play, but ultimately we’re all united by the common thread of motherhood.

This is where you come in. We invite you to join our I’m Also A Mother movement. It’s our way of celebrating YOU and all that you accomplish every single dayand the fact that you do all of those things while also being a mother makes it even more impressive.

Adding your voice to this movement is simple. Just print a card, complete the prompt, snap a pic, and post it with the tags #imalsoamother and #babyation. Most importantly, make it your own!  

Whether you’re currently pumping or not (or have never pumped!), we want to show the world that we’re all in this together. Thanks for being part of our mom tribe and helping us spread positivity and encouragement!

Sam and Jared


At Babyation, we see you because we’ve lived it, and that’s why everything we do is rooted in our respect for women’s time and work — physical and emotional, paid and unpaid.