Most of us are familiar with essential oils—they smell good, work wonders during a massage, and show up from time to time in our face cream. But they can do so much more.
That’s where Cary Caster’s unique essential oil company, K Sahai, comes in. This mom of three combined her dedication to wellness with her passion for nature to hone the healing powers of plants. The vision of K Sahai is to take the guesswork out of essential oils by creating unique blends to address common ailments like stress, sleep problems, congestion, and pain. And best of all, they come in easy-to-use rollerballs that are perfectly portable and mess-free.
We talked with Cary about how essential oils work, how she juggled three kids and a burgeoning business, and how she ultimately defines success.

Photo provided by K Sahai
“Essential oils work because the numerous phytochemicals they contain work through our olfactory senses, which have a direct link to our brain’s limbic and autonomic nervous systems. That simply means you have the ability to affect the mind, body, and emotions with a whiff and a topical roll-on. Our blends are a synergistic combination of three to five essential oils, safely diluted in an organic jojoba carrier and delivered in a roll-on applicator. This makes it easy and practical for you to address everyday issues. Simply by rolling on and inhaling these active phytochemicals blended for 21 specific concerns, you can shift the way you are feeling.”
“I thinks it’s super hard to have total balance and be good at everything without feeling guilty. I’m truly grateful that I was fortunate to work from home or by appointment when my children were younger. I did work extra hard during their school hours and found a second wind while they were busy with their own homework, which allowed me quality time right after school through dinner. However, I found the most important thing was making special one-on-one “play dates” with my children. So no matter what, they knew it was their time alone with me, and they could pick whatever they wanted to do for that time. Of course bedtime was super special in our house to recap the day and have some really good conversations about the best and worst happenings they experienced.”
“It’s important to let our children know that we need downtime to recharge our batteries and that if they can leave us some space, we will be refreshed with more energy to play with them. That being said, I was known to lock myself in my closet when I knew my fuse was about to burst! Fortunately, I am an extremely patient person. I am also the aunt to 17 nieces and nephews, and when you have that large of a family, you learn that everything your children are going through is just a stage. I believe if you can overlook and embrace the annoying little day-to-day issues with love and grace, then the rough stages pass more readily.”
“I do at least an hour of sport every day and work my body pretty hard, so when I have the chance for some real uninterrupted “me time,” I go for a massage! A good massage will totally calm me down and help to bring both my mind and body back to center.”
“We went traveling as a family this summer and when I looked across the table, I saw three very successful young adults that are my children. They are ambitious, hard working, loyal, honest, and innovative in their work. While not without some setbacks, my children’s successes reinforce that all the unconditional love, time, and devotion that I spent raising them has proven worth every moment. They make me very proud and reaffirm that I got that part right!”